Wells County

The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based information and education. It's a network of colleges, universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving communities and counties across America. The Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service program areas are:

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Health and Human Sciences
Community Development
4-H Youth Development

Purdue Extension is a service tailored to meet the needs of Indiana, needs we know firsthand. Our educators, specialists, and volunteers live and work in all 92 Indiana counties. We provide the link between Land Grant research and Indiana citizens. In doing that we provide practical solutions to local issues. We provide information and expertise that's available in the form you want, when you want it. That's Purdue Extension, Indiana's home team advantage.

What We Do

We improve lives and livelihoods by delivering tested and trusted educational resources. The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based information and education. It's a network of colleges, universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving communities and counties across America. The Purdue Extension focuses on: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Human and Health Sciences, Economic and Community Development and 4-H Youth.

Contact Us

Purdue Wells County Extension
1240 4-H Park Road
Bluffton, IN 46714
(260) 824-6412

County offices

wells County Staff

Wells County Happenings

Mini 4H
Mini 4-H Night

Calling all Mini 4-Hers! Join us for an evening of fun learning!!

Fair Entry
Fair Entry Instructions

Fair Entry is open from June 1st - July 1st. ALL 4-H exhibitors must complete Fair Entry.

4-H Clover
2024 4-H Fair T-shirts

Show your Wells County 4-H spirit with this year's 4-H Fair T-shirts! Get your order in by...

More Info
Caley Memorial Award

Caley Memorial Applications are open now until June 21st. Apply today!

4-H Ambassadors

Wells County 4-H Ambassador applications are open now until June 21st. Click the link to apply!

ServSafe Logo

The next ServSafe training held in Wells County will be August 13th and 20th. Sign up now!

More Info
4-H Fun Run Logo
2024 4-H 5K Fun Run/Walk

Help the Wells County 4-H Foundation provide scholarships to Wells County 4-Hers by participating...

More Info
4-H Fair Camping Form

Camping for the 4-H Fair is now open! Spots are limited. Call Allie Alma at 260-824-1689 for...


2024 Wells County 4-H Rule Book

Check out the 2024 Wells County 4-H Rule Book for updated information about your 4-H projects.

2024 Wells County 4-H Rule Book

ServSafe Classes Offered

For more information and a list of available trainings and exams in our area visit the Purdue ServSafe link below.

Learn More Here

Wells County Newsletters

Check out Health and Human Science Newsletters with helpful articles on health, nutrition, family and finances.

The May/June 2024 edition includes the following articles:


How to Protect Yourself and
Your Family From the Sun

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can be harmful to your skin. In fact, most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to UV light. UV light mainly comes from the sun. But harmful UV light can also come from tanning beds and sun lamps. There are things you can do to help reduce exposure to UV light—for yourself and your children.

Children need special attention to keep them protected from the sun. They usually spend more time outdoors and burn more easily. Babies younger than 6 months old should be kept out of direct sunlight. They should also wear hats and protective clothing. Sunscreen used on babies should only be put on small areas of exposed skin.

Stay in the Shade

Staying in the shade is one of the best ways to help prevent UV exposure. Try to stay out of direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV light is strongest.

Tip: Use the shadow test to see how strong the sun’s rays are. If your shadow is shorter than you are, the sun’s rays are the strongest. Be sure to protect yourself.

Wear clothes to cover your skin

Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, or long skirts cover the most skin and are the most protective. Some clothing is made with UV protection.

Use sunscreen and apply it correctly

Sunscreen can help protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays. Use products with broad-spectrum protection (against both UVA and UVB rays). And choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher.

Be sure to check the expiration date. Sunscreen is usually good for 2 to 3 years. And don’t forget to protect your lips by using a lip balm with sunscreen.

Sunscreen needs to be put on at least every 2 hours, but check the label just to be sure. Sunscreen can wash off when you sweat or swim and wipe off with a towel. So, sunscreen may need to be reapplied more often, even if it is “water resistant.”

Tip: Use at least 1 ounce of sunscreen (about a shot glass or enough to fill the palm of your hand) to cover your arms, legs, neck, and face.

It’s important to remember that sunscreen is just a filter. It does not block all UV rays. Use it, but take other steps to protect yourself, too.

Wear a wide brim hat

Be sure that your hat protects the eyes, forehead, nose, scalp, and ears. A hat with a 2 or 3-inch brim all around is best.

Wear sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays

Large-framed and wraparound sunglasses protect best. Children need smaller versions of protective adult sunglasses—do not use toy sunglasses.

Avoid tanning beds and sun lamps

Tanning devices can cause long-term skin damage and increase your risk of skin cancer.

Even with sunscreen, you should limit the amount of time you spend in the sun. Sunscreen does not block all UV rays.

Source: American Cancer Society


ServSafe Classes Offered

Purdue Cooperative Extension Service will be offering Retail Food Certificationclasses for food handlers who need to obtain a Retail Food Certificate.

Cost for this training is:

  • Training, Exam, and Manual—$165
  • Training and Exam—$115
  • Exam With Manual—$115
  • Exam Only—$65

May 22, 2024
1-day Training/Exam
Life Church Café of Hope
900 E State Street
Huntington, IN 46750
8:30 AM—4:00 PM
Exam at 4:00 PM
Register at: https://cvent.me/1dyOXq

August 13 & 20, 2024
Wells County Community Center
1240 4-H Park Road
Bluffton, IN 46714
1-day Training—August 13
8:30 AM—4:00 PM
Exam—August 20
9:00 AM
Register at: https://cvent.me/r8w1k2



The Outdoors and Nature

Spending time in nature is linked to many positive mental health outcomes—improved focus, lower stress, better mood, and reduced risk of developing a mental health condition. Most studies on nature and well-being look at green spaces like parks and forests, but researchers are also beginning to look at blue spaces—places with ocean and river views. However, you don’t need a picture-perfect outdoor experience to get the benefits of nature.

Plants and Green Space
Seventy percent of respondents to a Mental Health America Connection Survey reported wishing they had more time outdoors, ideally in nature away from their neighborhoods. Cities often have more stressors to physical and mental health, but green space (like parks and gardens) can reduce their impact. Even spending some time in your backyard (if you have one) can produce positive outcomes, and feeling connected to nature helps your mood even if you don’t spend time outdoors.

Children living in neighborhoods with more green space had a reduced risk of developing depression, mood disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and substance use disorder.

Even being in the presence of indoor plants is worthwhile—studies have found this to improve focus, memory, and stress tolerance.

What Can I Do To Find Green Space?
Don’t discount the little things. While being in the wilderness is especially nice, even city parks, a small garden, or sitting under a tree can support your mental health.

Bring the outdoors in. Adding greenery to your space can have a similar effect to seeing plants outdoors – and some, like snake plants and bamboo palms, can purify your air.

Natural Light
Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin and vitamin D, which are associated with boosting mood and focus and reducing stress. Without enough sun, these levels can drop, leading to symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Light exposure also has a direct impact on your body’s sleep-wake cycle, and consistent sleep is one of the most important factors in your well-being.

More time spent in outdoor light is associated with lower odds of using antidepressant medications and fewer symptoms of insomnia. The natural lighting of a home is known to impact how you describe your own mood. Improvements to natural lighting have a positive impact on overall emotional social well-being, particularly among women and younger populations.

What Can I Do To Get Natural Light?
Enjoy the sunshine. Just 10-15 minutes of sun on your arms and legs a few times a week has the
potential to generate all the vitamin D you need; however, this depends on factors like the season, time of day, pollution, skin tone, and more.

Try a light box. Light therapy can help with symptoms of depression and sleep disorders. The bright light from a light box mimics natural sunlight, causing the brain to produce serotonin and regulate your internal clock.

One of the greatest benefits you get from nature is connection, which is linked to a better connection to self, community, and purpose. Time in nature benefits personal growth, self-esteem, emotional regulation, and social skills. When children connect with nature, they’re more imaginative and independent, and they feel more connected to the peers they’re playing with and other living things.

Accessible nature in a neighborhood, such as parks, lakes, or gardens, are associated with an increased sense of community belonging. People who reported not feeling connected to nature also didn’t feel connected to themselves, to others, or to spirituality/purpose. (MHA’s Connection Survey)

What Can I Do To Connect?
Practice gratitude. Nature is everywhere – even in cities, you can find places like community gardens, little courtyards, or trees full of birds and squirrels. Once you start tuning into your senses and appreciating the unexpected, it often feels more meaningful.

Plant something. Gardening is a great mindfulness activity. Getting your hands in the dirt can help you feel more grounded, and helping a plant grow can even boost your self-esteem.

 Source: Mental Health America



2024 Wells County Extension Homemakers Festival

May 16, 2024
Registration will begin at 5:30 PM
Event begins at 6:00 PM

Registration forms were mailed toExtension Homemaker Presidents in April and are also available through The Wells County Extension Office.

Cultural Arts Exhibit:

Guidelines for the Cultural Art Exhibit are as follows:

  1. The exhibit must have been completed within the last two (2) years and never exhibited at Home and Family Conference.
  2. There will be 5 categories for the exhibits:
    1. Quilts
    2. Needlework
    3. Knit/Crochet
    4. Crafts/Miscellaneous
    5. Special Project – Table Runner – No wider than 18in., can be any length, can be any medium
  3. There should be no visible personal identification on the entry.
  4. Entries are due on May 16th at the Homemakers Festival.



Master Gardener Plant Sale

May 18, 2024
8:00 AM—12:00 PM
Wells County 4-H Park
1240 4-H Park Road
Bluffton, IN 46714

Need some perennial plants or bulbs to spruce up your landscape? Come out and see the Wells County Master Gardeners!

A large selection of annuals and perennials will be available to purchase at great prices.

Have questions about the plants at the sale? Just ask one of the Master Gardeners at the sale for more information!



Dry Canning

Some people are experimenting with canning fresh vegetables their own way instead of following research-based processing from USDA. The USDA home canning procedure is meant to kill spores of Clostridium botulinum, the bacteria that cause the potentially deadly botulism poisoning.  The latest version of people making up their own method that is potentially very hazardous has been brought to our attention through emails and calls to the USDA Hotline. It involves putting raw vegetables (such as corn, green beans, carrots, beets or other vegetables) in canning jars with no added liquid, applying lids and pressure canning for the same amount of time as if you had added the water to cover required in the USDA method.

What is hazardous about this "dry canning" of vegetables?

  • In the pressure processes we have to recommend for home canning of vegetable, the liquid covering pieces of vegetables in the jars is required for the expected heat penetration throughout the jars during processing. The food must be prepared and jars filled just as described for the USDA process time to work as expected in killing bacteria of concern.
  • It is well known that bacteria and bacterial spores are more sensitive to wet heat than dry heat. They will die in hot dry air much slower than in hot water. So, if the process was researched with water or other liquid in the jars, it is not expected that the same process time will be long enough heating for a jar without the liquid in it.
  • The risk here is botulism, which is a food poisoning disease that can be fatal (or kill people).  Botulism toxin can be present in canned vegetables without any visual changes to the food or odors.  Please read what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has to say about botulism and home canning, and particularly note the section on here called What is Botulism: https://www.cdc.gov/features/homecanning/index.html

But people say it works and like the food...

  • Someone can get lucky and not get sick from trying this. Bacteria are not distributed evenly throughout our environment. But the next time, Clostridium botulinum or othere harmful bacteria can be in the jar and botulism poisoning could result.
  • And by the way, some people who have made up this method on their own are adding butter or ghee even if no water. These are no substitute for the required liquid in the jars, either. And these should not be added to the jars even with liquid in research-based processes if not called for in the original instructions.

Home canning and creativity

  • Canning preservation of food is not a creative activity about how to produce the best quality only. Safety must come first, and the researched processes we have for vegetables require the liquid cover in the jars (and whatever is the type of liquid called for in the described procedure with each process, which is usually water for plain vegetables).​
  • Again, the USDA low-acid home canning recommended processes are meant to be used with the full procedures as written -- how to select and prepare the food, how to fill jars, how to manage the step by step canning process in a recommended pressure canner type, and how to make altitude adjustments.

Be food-safe when home canning, please, and stay with properly researched and tested procedures.

 Source: https://nchfp.uga.edu/blog/dry-canning-raw-vegetables-is-an-unsafe-practice#gsc.tab=0

No Time for Exercise?
Here are 7 Easy Ways to Move More!

Too busy to add more exercise to your schedule? When you can’t seem to make time for a full workout, try these no-sweat ways to move more in your daily life.

You found your keys. You found the motivation to clean out your closet. Now see if you can find at least 150 minutes each week — a little more than 20 minutes a day — to get physically active! Don’t worry, there are plenty of easy, no-cost ways to do it.

Think there’s no way you can find the time? Good news: You don’t have to do it all at once. In fact, it’s better to spread your activity throughout the week. You can get health benefits even if you split it into a few short sessions of exercise a day.

Here are seven no-stress ways to boost your activity level:

  1. Grab the leash and walk your dogYour body — and your pooch — will thank you!
  2. Take your kid (or spouse) for a walk. It’s an excellent way to get some face time without screens. Keep it fun by exploring new neighborhoods or turning your walk into a scavenger hunt. Research shows that joining a group or taking a class with others increases exercise time and health benefits.
  3. Try the 10-Minute Workout.Stuck at home? Boost your heart rate and brain power with this quick home workout.
  4. Walk and talk. Even if you’re glued to your phone for work or personal calls, you don’t have to be glued to your chair. Make it a habit to walk and talk. Some workplaces have walking paths to make it even easier to move while at work. You can also take walks with coworkers to break up your day.
  5. Tune into fitness. Don’t want to miss an episode? Walk or jog in place, do yoga or lift weights, or walk on the treadmill at the gym while you watch your must-see TV shows.
  6. Ditch the car. Spare yourself the parking stress and log some more active time by parking farther away (or even leaving the car at home) and walking or biking to your destination.
  7. Take the stairs. The elevator may go up, but it doesn’t make your heart rate climb. Take the stairs when you can, even if just for a floor or two. And don’t ride the escalator, climb it. Those can be active steps, too!

When you start looking for them, you’ll see lots of chances to be more active every day and get a few more steps in during your regular, routine activities. Remember, every step counts!

Source: heart.org 


A PDF version of this newsletter is available HERE.

News Notes for Parents is a newsletter geared towards parents with children ages 8 and under. You will find articles about parenting, early childhood education, nutrition and much more.

In the May 2024 issue of News Notes for Parents, you will find the following articles:


Summer Art Activities for Social-Emotional Learning

The summer months are approaching, which is a great opportunity for getting outdoors and working on social-emotional learning through art.  The Institute for Art Integration and STEAM shared how they promote social awareness through art activities. Through arts we can learn to take the perspective of others, find commonalities, and appreciate our differences. Through our passions and a shared community of diverse backgrounds we can also deepen positive relationships with others.  Whether a child has a strong interest in the arts or another subject, these activities will be engaging for anyone’s sense of creativity! Here are a few activities practicing social emotional learning skills through the arts children can do at home or at school:

Drawing Activity:
Happy Me versus Angry Me
Instructions: Have your child draw two different pictures to compare side by side. First, they will draw a picture of what they look like when they are happy. Second, they will draw a picture of what they look like when they are angry. Ask your child to include in the picture examples of things that make them happy or angry.

Collage Activity:
Picture Collage
Instructions: Using old magazines, have your child cut out pictures of things that are important to them. Then have a discussion about what they chose and why they chose those pictures.

Music Activity:
Name the Emotion
Instructions: An adult will play the first 10 seconds of a song or long enough for the first lyric or two to play. The children have to guess what emotion they hear in the song (happy, sad, angry). If there is more than one child you can keep track of who gets it right first and give points. After finding the right answer everyone playing can try singing the song with a different emotion intonation. For example, if it is a sad song try singing it cheerfully!  

To read full article with more activities go to: https://betterkids.education/blog/5-art-activities-for-social-emotional-learning



Healthy Eating for Kids

Healthy eating is important at every age. Offer kids a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy or fortified soy alternatives. When deciding on foods and beverages, choose options that are full of nutrients and limited in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium. Start with these tips:

  • Offer variety: Include choices from each food group—fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy or fortified soy alternatives—in meals and snacks during each day.
  • Connect at mealtime: Eat meals together whenever possible. Turn off the TV and put away phones and tablets, so you can “unplug” and focus on healthy foods and each other.
  • Make good nutrition easy: Designate a shelf or a drawer in your fridge for your kids. Stock it with cut-up fruits and vegetables, yogurt, nut butters, and whole-wheat mini bagels and crackers.
  • Think about their drinks: Make water and low-fat or fat-free dairy milk or fortified soy alternatives easy options to grab in your home. Have ready-to-go containers filled and in the fridge to take on outings.
  • Get kids involved: Depending on their age, kids can peel fruits, assemble salads, measure, scoop, and slice. Let them create and name their own side dish.
  • Have a shopping buddy: Let kids participate in grocery shopping online or in the store. Reward them by letting them choose their favorite fruit or maybe a new one

Source: https://www.myplate.gov/tip-sheet/healthy-eating-kids



emoji omelets

The perfect treat to end a hot summer day. Toss the ingredients in the blender and enjoy!

1 banana (frozen)
1/2 c. low-fat yogurt (plain)
1/2 c. orange juice (prepared)

Before you begin: Wash your hands.

  1. Wash hands with soap and water
  2. Put all ingredients in a blender and mix well
  3. Add more liquid if you want the drink thinner

Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1/2 c.
Calories 119, Fat 1g, Cholesterol 4mg, Sodium 44mg, Carbohydrates 24g, Fiber 2g, Sugar 17g, Protein 4g, Vitamin D 0mcg, Calcium 122mg, Iron 0mg, Potassium 479mg

Source: https://www.myplate.gov/recipes/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap/orange-banana-frosty

A PDF Version of News Notes to Parents is available HERE.
A spanish version of News Notes to Parents is available HERE.

PDF Version Here

4-H T-Shirt Sales:

  • Don’t forget to order your t-shirts for the upcoming Wells County 4-H Fair! T-shirts are on sale now until June 10th! Turn in your order form and money to the Wells County Extension Office. Shirt color is maroon with a white, black, and green design.
    • Price: $15.00/shirt - Cash or Check (Make checks payable to Purdue CES - Wells County)
    • Order Deadline: Before Noon on Monday, June 10th (Outdoor drop box available for after hours or weekend drop off)
    • Order forms are available in the Extension Office and online at www.extension.purdue.edu/wells 

Mini 4-H Night:

  • Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 from 6:30 - 8:30PM (Check-in begins at 6:15pm with activities starting at 6:30PM)
  • Wells County 4-H Park Community Center
  • Registration Fee: $25.00 (t-shirt included)
  • All Mini 4-H Youth (Grades K-2nd) are Welcome!!
  • Activities Will Include:
    • Fun & Games - Join our Junior Leaders for some fun icebreakers & group games!
    • Fantastic Foods - Youth will learn about healthy foods and maybe even taste-test a neat treat!
    • Superb STEM - Youth will explore the science world with a fun STEM activity!
    • Neat Nature - Youth will learn more about the world around them while exploring nature at the 4-H Park!
  • Registration forms can be located in the Wells County Extension Office or online at www.extension.purdue.edu/wells. Please have registration forms and payment turned in to the Wells County Extension Office no later than June 4th.

Animal Science Day Camp:

  • Calling all 4-H Members with a passion for animals, or those who just want to learn more! Join us at the Wells County 4-H Park on Thursday, June 20th for a fun-fill hands-on day camp experience, where we explore different animal science topics.

Project Check-In:

Cake Decorating Workshop Series:

  • We are exciting to be hosting a series of workshops for our cake decorating exhibitors! Workshops will be hosted in the Wells County Community Center Kitchen. Youth are welcome to attend one session, or multiple sessions. Please register by June 8th for the workshops using the QR code below so we can plan accordingly!
  • Workshop Dates:
    • Monday, June 10th at 6:30PM
    • Monday, June 17th at 6:30PM
    • Monday, June 24th at 6:30PM

Stock the Trailer:

  • Wells County 4-H Junior Leaders are excited to partner yet again with Farm Credit Mid-America and Rural 1st to bring awareness and support to food insecurity in Wells County. Help us support our community by bringing non-perishable food items to the marked trailer at the Wells County Fair. All donations and earnings will benefit the Feeding Tomorrow’s Future Today Backpack Program!

Award Applications:

  • The Caley Memorial Award is given annually to two 4-H Members in Wells County who have shown outstanding qualities in the area of leadership, citizenship, sportsmanship, and personality in their community, school, church, and 4-H activities. Applicants must be at least 14 years of age to be eligible. Applications are due on Friday, June 21st. You can find the requirements and application on our website www.extension.purdue.edu/wells 
  • Each year four candidates are selected to represent the Wells County 4-H Fair as Junior Ambassadors (2) and Senior Ambassadors (2). Ambassadors will assist the 4-H Association with 4-H events and at the Wells County 4-H Fair. Junior Ambassador applicants must be in grades 7-9th, and Senior Ambassador applicants must be in grade 10 or above. 4-H Ambassador applications are due on Friday, June 21st. You can find the requirements and application on our website www.extension.purdue.edu/wells 

Due in July:

  • QLC/YQCA training is due on Monday, July 1st. Reminder this is a mandatory training for youth exhibiting in the cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, and/or rabbit projects. If you completed the YQCA training online, please send the certificate to mcorle1@purdue.edu or deliver to the Extension Office by Monday, July 1st.
  • All exhibits for the 2024 Wells County 4-H Fair, including showmanship & fashion revue, must be entered into Fair Entry by Monday, July 1st. More information can be found to the right and on our website www.extension.purdue.edu/wells 

Welcome Summer Interns:

  • We are excited to have Alyssa Toland and Grace Nicholson joining us this year as our Wells County Extension Office Summer Interns! Please make sure to say hello and give them a warm welcome!

Fair Entry:

  • ALL projects must be entered into Fair Entry. Fair Entry opens June 1st and is due on July 1st. Exhibitors not following this deadline may not be eligible to exhibit at the Wells County 4-H Fair. Please contact the Extension Office at 260-824-6412 with any questions. A more detailed version of instructions is listed on our website: www.extension.purdue.edu/wells.
    • Go to http://wellscountyin.fairentry.com
    • Click the green box that says "Sign in with 4-H Online"
    • Sign in using your 4-H Online email and password. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT
    • Click "Create Invoice" or "Begin Work on a New Invoice"
    • Next to the member's name, click "Create Entry"
    • Select the correct department, division, & class for the entry
    • If a livestock project (Not Including Poultry), select "Add Animal"
      • Then select "Choose an Existing Animal Record"
      • The next screen with have three choices:
      • "Add Another Entry"
      • "Register Another Exhibit"
      • "Continue to Payment"
    • After clicking "Continue to Payment" you will see a total cost of $0.00. Click Continue

4-H Award Sponsors Needed:

  • Sponsors are needed for the following 2024 4-H Fair awards. If you are interested in sponsoring an award, please contact the Wells County Extension Office at (260) 824-6412.
    • Grand Champion Small Engines - $15.00
    • Grand Champion Beekeeping - $15.00
    • Grand Champion Child Development - $15.00
    • Grand Champion Home Environment - $15.00
    • Dairy Feeder Champion Rate of Gain - $15.00
    • 3rd Place Rookie Swine Showman - $30.00
    • Champion Intermediate Swine Showman - $45.00
    • Grand Champion Home Grown Nigerian Dwarf Wether - $23.00
    • Champion Junior Beef Showman - $42.00
    • Champion Junior Dairy Goat Showman - $42.00
    • Champion Senior Sheep Showman - $18.00
    • Champion Junior Sheep Showman - $18.00
    • Champion Beginner Sheep Showman(banner) - $18.00
    • Champion Beginner Sheep Showman(backpack) - $32.00
    • Reserve Champion Beginner Sheep Showman - $29.00
    • Reserve Grand Champion Market Gilt - $50.00
    • Champion Senior Dog Showman - $15.00
    • Champion Novice Dog Showman - $15.00
    • Dog & Owner Best Achievement - $15.00
    • Champion Dog Obedience 1B - $15.00
    • Champion Dog Obedience Veteran - $15.00
    • 3rd Overall Market Animal (Beef) - $19.00
    • 3rd Overall Heifer (Beef) - $19.00
    • Reserve Champion Born & Raised Market Doe - $20.00
    • Champion Born & Raised Market Wether(banner) - $20.00
    • Champion Born & Raised Market Wether(plaque) - $33.00
    • Reserve Champion Born & Raised Market Wether - $20.00
    • Champion Born & Raised Breeding Doe(banner) - $20.00
    • Champion Born & Raised Breeding Doe(plaque) - $33.00
    • Reserve Champion Born & Raised Breeding Doe - $20.00
    • Reserve Champion Turkey - $15.00
    • Champion Rabbit Junior Ambassador - $20.00
    • Champion Rabbit Intermediate Ambassador - $20.00

4-H Project Supplies:

  • Did you know the Extension Office has some supplies for 4-H Projects? Supplies include foam poster boards, poster sleeves, electric kits, livestock resource books, and the 4-H Rulebook. Stop by the Extension Office (1240 4-H Park Rd, Bluffton) or call at 260-824-6412 for pricing, questions, and to pick up your supplies.

Junior Leader Meeting:

  • Our next Junior Leader meeting will be on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:00PM in the Meeting Rooms.
  • Any Junior Leader planning to help out with Mini 4-H Night, please make sure to have the t-shirt form that was emailed to you returned to the Extension Office by Friday, June 7th.

Township Club Meetings:

  • Hurryin’ Harrison - Sunday, June 9th at 7:00PM - Expo Hall
    • Sunday, June 30th at 7:00PM - Expo Hall
  • Nottingham Nobles - Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30PM - Expo Hall
  • Lancaster Achievers - Wednesday, June 12th at 7:00PM - Meeting Rooms
  • Jefferson Knightriders - Monday, June 17th at 6:00PM - Archbold-Wilson Park (near pavilion)

Expo Hall Volunteers:

  • Volunteers are needed for the following Expo Hall events before and during the 2024 Wells County 4-H Fair. Please contact the Extension Office at (260)824-6412 or talk with your Club Leaders to get signed up!
    • Monday, July 8th at 5:30PM - Foods Judging
    • Tuesday, July 9th at 6:30PM - Expo Hall Set-Up
    • Wednesday, July 10th from 3:00-8:00PM - Expo Hall Project Check-In
    • Thursday, July 11th at 8:15AM - Expo Hall Judging
    • 4-H Fair Week (July 13-18th) - Expo Hall Hosts

Poultry Blood Testing:

  • Mark your calendars - we have a couple of poultry blood testing days coming up!
    • Monday, June 10th from 5:30-6:30PM at the H-Barn, 4-H Park, Bluffton
    • Wednesday, June 26th from 5:30-6:30PM at the H-Barn, 4-H Park, Bluffton
  • If the poultry originated directly from NPIP certified clean flock within one year, they do not need to be tested. Paperwork must be provided.
  • Waterfowl, pigeons, and doves do not need to be tested.

End of Year 4-H Bash:

  • Save the Date for our End-of-Year 4-H Bash! We are excited to host this event this year and celebrate all the incredible work of our 4-H Youth. Join us for a fun evening to celebrate your accomplishments and hang out with friends! There will be games, prizes, and a dessert bar!! Member pins will also be handed out this evening.
    • SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, July 21st, 2024 in the Expo Hall
  • Stay tuned for more information!

Wells County 4-H 5K Fun Run/Walk:

  • The Wells County 4-H Foundation is planning their 15th annual 4-H 5K Fun Run/Walk to kick off the 2024 Wells County 4-H Fair! New this year is a 1 mile Fast & Furriest Dog Run/Walk!!
    • WHEN: Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 7:30AM
    • WHERE: Wells County 4-H Park, Bluffton, IN
    • ENTRY FEE: Dog & Owner - $25.00 Pre-Registered; Individual - $20.00 Pre-Registered; Family Special - $50.00 Pre-Registered (4 entries in same envelope, immediate family only. Please don’t abuse)
    • Make checks payable to: Wells County 4-H Foundation
  • Pre-Registration Deadline is Friday, June 28th. Prices will increase for day-of registration.
  • Pre-Register Online at: https://www.active.com/bluffton-in/running/4h-5k-fun-run-walk-fast-and-furriest-1-mile-dog-run-walk-2024 OR 
  • Send completed form with payment to: 4-H 5K Fun Run/Walk, 1240 4-H Park Road, Bluffton, IN 46714
  • Forms available in the Extension Office or online at www.extension.purdue.edu/wells 

4-H Fair Volunteers Needed (Barns):

  • Volunteers are needed for the following events before or during the 2024 Wells County 4-H Fair. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your livestock Superintendent or the Extension Office. Contact information for Superintendents can be found in the front of the 4-H Rule Book, which you can find online at www.extension.purdue.edu/wells 
    • Wednesday, July 10th at 6:00PM - Livestock Barn Set-Up
    • Fair Week (July 13th-18th) - Night Guards for Barns

Upcoming Wells County and State Extension Events

State Extension Events

Purdue Extension Master Gardeners
Purdue Extension Master Gardeners Help Indiana Gardeners Grow

Purdue Extension provided in-person and virtual basic training for gardening enthusiasts who...

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crops growing in a garden
Focus on Small-Scale Vegetable Farming: Field Demonstrations Build Capacity for Use of Cover Crops, Reduced Tillage

Over the last three growing seasons, Purdue Extension established demonstration plots of cover...

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cows eating hay
Forum Fridays Focus on Quality Forage for Livestock

Purdue Extension created an 11-session virtual series, Forage Forum Fridays, about seed industry,...

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ag field days at Purdue Extension
Annual Field Days at Purdue Agricultural Centers Lead to Financial Improvements from Adoption of Recommended Practices

There are 56,800 farming operations in Indiana, and 97% of Indiana’s farms are...

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solar farm
U.S. Department of Energy taps Purdue Extension to lead new Indiana collaborative for renewable energy

A developer approaches a local plan commission, seeking approval to locate a wind or solar farm...

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Purdue bell tower in the spring
Elevating Community Impact: Purdue Day of Giving Empowers County Initiatives

As Purdue University gears up for the exhilarating 24-hour online extravaganza, numerous Purdue...

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