What do NEP's do?

Nutrition Education Programming

The Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program (NEP) works to improve the nutrition and health of audiences with limited resources in Indiana. We offer two major initiatives to communities, free of charge.

Nutrition Education/SNAP-Ed

Our NEP Advisors provide free nutrition education to youth and adults through schools and a variety of community groups.

5 focus areas of NEP

  1. Nutrition
  2. Food safety
  3. Food security (hunger)
  4. Physical activity
  5. Food resource management (stretching food dollars)

Target audiences

  • SNAP/EFNEP recipients
  • Individuals with limited resources (youth, seniors, singles, homeless, migrants, families, single parents)
  • Schools with 50% or more free and reduced lunch
  • Communities with high poverty rates

Funding and Impact

The Nutrition Education Program has existed in Indiana since 1994 as a part of Purdue Extension. We’re funded by two federal funding streams:

  1. SNAP-Ed, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education Division
  2. EFNEP, Expanded Food, and Nutrition Education Program

What is SNAP-Ed?

SNAP-Ed is the nutrition education component of the USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). It helps people with limited resources eat smart and move more.

Contact Us

To learn more and to find healthy tips and recipes, visit the NEP website below!



NEP Newsletters

Eat Better for Less

Eat Better for Less
Salt survey
Salt Savvy Survey

Salt survey page 2
Salt Savvy Survey