DeKalb County 4-H

4-H is one of the largest youth organizations in America.  The mission of 4-H is to "Make the Best, Better" through hands-on activities in areas like health, science, agriculture, and civic engagement.  Youth are encouraged to grow as leaders by adult mentors and volunteers within the program.

The 4-H program delivers research-based programming with a focus on Positive Youth Development.  4-H can be found in all 92 counties through Purdue Cooperative Extension.  There are many ways to get involved in the 4-H program, but many youth participate in community clubs, after-school programs, and camps/workshops.

Scroll down to learn more about the DeKalb County 4-H program or visit the Purdue University Extension 4-H Youth Development website for more general information about 4-H.

Contact Us

DeKalb County
4-H Youth Development Educator

Effie Campbell 
215 East 9th Street, Suite 300
Auburn, IN 46706
(260) 925-2562

Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm
** Closed Days under County Events

Upcoming Dekalb county Events

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DeKalb County 4-H 2024 At a Glance

4-H members that attended 4-H camp in 2023

TOP 3 FAVORITE PROJECTS (info collected from general record sheets)

Arts & Crafts
Construction Toy

TOP 3 LIFE SKILLS GAINED (info collected from general record sheets)

Doing your Best
Goal Setting & Planning/Organizing

1144 animals exhibited
375 exhibitors
289 youth in Battle of the Barns
350 rabbit projects
277 poultry projects
145 swine projects
109 goat projects
  61 sheep projects
  101 dairy feeder/steer projects
  73 beef projects
  28 dairy projects

4-H is open to any youth who will be in grades 3-12 during the 2024-2025 school year. 

Mini 4-H is a fun and educational program designed to help build self-esteem by providing youth the opportunity to learn and be recognized through non-competitive experimental learning.  It also helps develop an interest in continuing into the 4-H program.  Mini 4-H is open to any child enrolled in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade as of January 1 of the current year.

 Mini 4-H is $5 and regular 4-H has a $25 fee per child (up to 3 children, $10 for each additional child).

4-H Clubs

4-H members join 4-H Clubs.  The purpose of a 4-H club is to provide youth with educational, fun learning experiences with their peers.  There are 2 different types of 4-H Clubs that you may see in DeKalb County, Township and Project Clubs.  Mini 4-H members have a club that is just for them.

Township 4-H Clubs

Club meetings typically are held once a month in a location such as a school, community center, church, or other public meeting space.  Youth in these clubs typically live in the area where the club meets.  These clubs often use their meetings to develop group process skills, leadership ability, and communication skills.  Project manuals are passed out in the spring and important information regarding the 4-H Program in DeKalb County are discussed.

  • 4-H Cloverleafs (Butler/Keyser)
  • 4-H Power (Concord/Spencer/Newville)
  • Fairfield Farmers (Fairfield)
  • Jackson Blue Ribbons (Jackson)
  • Richland Cornhuskers (Richland)
  • Smithfield Busy Bees (Smithfield/Grant)
  • Cut-Ups (Union)
  • Nevershirk (Wilmington/Stafford/Troy)

Organized Subject Matter (Project) Clubs

 These groups are organized around a specific subject matter (project) area.  The youth and adult volunteers use club meetings to learn together about the subject around which they have organized.  They have lessons, participate in field trips, and teach each other about related concepts.  They often prepare an exhibit for a county fair.  They develop leadership skills and group process skills by working together and completing projects that are meaningful to each other or their community.

  • ATV Club
  • DeKalb Doubletrees (Draft Horse)
  • Horse & Pony Club
  • Shooting Sports
  • Mini 4-H
  • Junior Leaders

More information can be found in the DeKalb County 4-H Family Guide.

You are encouraged to sign up between October 1st and January 15th of each year to get the most out of your 4-H experience.  Before completing the enrollment, read the DeKalb County 4-H Overview to see a list of clubs available.

Visit 4-H Online to enroll.

4-H Online new member enrollment instructions.
4-H Online re-enrollment instructions.

There are a number of ways that a young person may participate in 4-H in addition to the club-based option.  One is by exhibiting a 4-H project at a county or state fair.  There are 4-H projects in every interest area.


Aerospace - ATV - Animal Posters - Arts & Crafts - Barbecue - Beekeeping - Cake Decorating - Child Development - Collections - Construction Toy Models - Consumer Clothing - Crops - Electric - Entomology - Floriculture - Foods - Forestry - Garden - Genealogy - Geology - Gift Wrapping - Health - Home Environment - Modern Meals - Photography - Recycling - Scrapbooking - Self-Determined - Sewing - Fashion Revue - Shooting Sports - Sportfishing - Tractor Poster - Verbal Communication - Veterinary Science - Weather & Climate Science - Wildlife - Woodworking

Live Animal Projects: Dog, Horse & Pony, Draft Animals, Beef, Dairy, Dairy Feeders & Steers, Goats, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, and Swine

More information about the projects can be found in the DeKalb County 4-H Project Magazine.

4-H Trips & camps

  • Northeast Indiana 4-H Camp (June 5-7 2024) - This is offered in June at Epworth Forest in North Webster, IN and includes three days packed with fun and adventure.
  • 4-H Round-Up (June 24-26, 2024) - This is offered in June to youth who have completed grades 7, 8, and 9.  Attendees will explore a variety of careers by attending classes created just for Round-Up attendees at Purdue University.  They will get a taste of college life and will live in a Purdue Residence Hall for two nights.  Youth will meet others from across the state and further develop their leadership skills.  Recreation events are planned in the evenings and blocks of free time allow attendees the opportunity to build friendships on their own.

  • 4-H Academy (June 12-14, 2024) - This is offered at Purdue University in June to youth in grades 9-12.  It is designed to offer hands-on, exciting opportunities to dive deep into a 4-H'ers subject of choice.  Participants will meet and learn from professors, graduate students and other experts in their respective fields and participate in interactive activities and experiential learning.  Participants stay in a Purdue University Residence Hall for two nights while exploring the campus and meeting 4-H members from across Indiana.

  • State 4-H Band (June 22-24, 2024) - This is offered in June to youth who have completed grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.  Participants are selected by the State 4-H Band Director and Coordinator.  Participants spend three days improving their instrumental skills as they prepare for a concert band performance.
  • State 4-H Chorus (June 22-25, 2024) - This is offered in June to youth who have completed grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.  Participants are selected by the State 4-H Chorus Director and Coordinator.  Participants spend four days improving their vocal and choreography skills as they prepare for a show choir performance.

State level 4-H programs provide the opportunity for members to expand their horizons beyond the DeKalb County community.  Visit the 4-H State Programs website for more program opportunities.

May 15th

4-H Project Drop/Add Deadline, 4HOnline Animal Entry Deadline for Beef Cattle, Dairy Steers, Horse & Pony, Draft Animals, and State Fair Animals.

July 1st

FairEntry Deadline for Static Projects, 4HOnline Animal Entry Deadline for Fall Fair and Summer Goats, FairEntry Deadline for Summer Goats, Worksheets and YQCA due for Summer Goat, Nomination forms for Rabbits and Poultry due to the Extension Office.

July 15-18, 2024

Summer Judging

September 9th

FairEntry Deadline for Fall Fair Animals and Crops Exhibits, Worksheets and YQCA due for Fall Fair, 4HOnline for Beef Feeders.

September 23-28, 2024

Free Fall Fair

Most forms and worksheets can be found on the DeKalb 4-H hub

Here is the place to find 4-H animal worksheets according to specie and grade, DeKalb 4-H Animal Worksheets.

More information can be found in the 2024 DeKalb County 4-H Handbook.

DeKalb County 4-H/Youth Development Articles

qlc logo
DeKalb County QLC Training 2025

All 4-H youth enrolled in a LIVESTOCK PROJECT must be QLC certified or have a YQCA online...

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4-H Scholarship Opportunities

It's not too early to start thinking about scholarships. Here are some scholarship...

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Deciphering 4-H Livestock Terms

This article is going to focus more on the livestock terms that are used in shows, so as you walk...

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color wheel
Putting Your Poster Over the Top

Tips for creating an eye catching poster.

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DeKalb County Winter Cancellation Policy

Moving forward from this point on, we will use cautious discretion and/or consult with the...

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Upcoming Dekalb County & State Extension Events