2024 4-H Council Booster Letter
The Pulaski County 4-H Council provides educational opportunities for over 350 youth in learning through hands-on experience about responsibility, time management, communication, team work, and decision-making skills.
If you would like to support this organization, please fill out the form below. Donors will be recognized at the Pulaski County 4-H & Community Fair and during our Recognition Program. The 4-H youth and volunteers of the community thank you for your new and continued support for the program.
The Pulaski County 4-H Council is a non-profit youth development organization that relies on the generous support of donations from donors like you. We are constantly working to provide all of our 4-H youth with support to participate in 4-H related activities. These activities include 4-H Camp, 4-H Round-Up, 4-H Academy, and more. Your donations also provide funds for scholarships and non-livestock trophies.
Contact Us
Purdue Extension-Pulaski County
125 S Riverside Dr., Co. Bldg. Rm 120
Winamac, IN 46996